2,418 research outputs found

    Scaling above the upper critical dimension in Ising Models

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    We rederive the finite size scaling formula for the apparent critical temperature by using Mean Field Theory for the Ising Model above the upper critical dimension. We have also performed numerical simulations in five dimensions and our numerical data are in a good agreement with the Mean Field theoretical predictions, in particular, with the finite size exponent of the connected susceptibility and with the value of the Binder cumulant.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figures, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Generalized off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems

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    We show that the numerical method based on the off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation does work and is very useful and powerful in the study of disordered systems which show a very slow dynamics. We have verified that it gives the right information in the known cases (diluted ferromagnets and random field Ising model far from the critical point) and we used it to obtain more convincing results on the frozen phase of finite-dimensional spin glasses. Moreover we used it to study the Griffiths phase of the diluted and the random field Ising models.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, uses epsfig.sty. Partially presented at StatPhys XX in a talk by one of the authors (FRT). Added 1 reference in the new versio

    Effective and asymptotic criticality of structurally disordered magnets

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    Changes in magnetic critical behaviour of quenched structurally-disordered magnets are usually exemplified in experiments and in MC simulations by diluted systems consisting of magnetic and non-magnetic components. By our study we aim to show, that similar effects can be observed not only for diluted magnets with non-magnetic impurities, but may be implemented, e.g., by presence of two (and more) chemically different magnetic components as well. To this end, we consider a model of the structurally-disordered quenched magnet where all lattice sites are occupied by Ising-like spins of different length LL. In such random spin length Ising model the length LL of each spin is a random variable governed by the distribution function p(L)p(L). We show that this model belongs to the universality class of the site-diluted Ising model. This proves that both models are described by the same values of asymptotic critical exponents. However, their effective critical behaviour differs. As a case study we consider a quenched mixture of two different magnets, with values of elementary magnetic moments L1=1L_1=1 and L2=sL_2=s, and of concentration cc and 1c1-c, correspondingly. We apply field-theoretical renormalization group approach to analyze the renormalization group flow for different initial conditions, triggered by ss and cc, and to calculate effective critical exponents further away from the fixed points of the renormalization group transformation. We show how the effective exponents are governed by difference in properties of the magnetic components.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Study of the phase transition in the 3d Ising spin glass from out of equilibrium numerical simulations

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    Using the decay of the out equilibrium spin-spin correlation function we compute the equilibrium Edward-Anderson order parameter in the three dimensional binary Ising spin glass in the spin glass phase. We have checked that the Edward-Anderson order parameter computed from out of equilibrium numerical simulations follows with good precision the critical law as determined in experiments and in numerical studies at equilibrium. We have also studied the dependence of the order parameter with the lattice size. Finally we present a large time study of the scaling of the off-equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 Postscript figure

    Summability of the perturbative expansion for a zero-dimensional disordered spin model

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    We show analytically that the perturbative expansion for the free energy of the zero dimensional (quenched) disordered Ising model is Borel-summable in a certain range of parameters, provided that the summation is carried out in two steps: first, in the strength of the original coupling of the Ising model and subsequently in the variance of the quenched disorder. This result is illustrated by some high-precision calculations of the free energy obtained by a straightforward numerical implementation of our sequential summation method.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages and 4 figure

    Simulation of 3d Ising spin glass model using three replicas: study of Binder cumulants

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    We have carried out numerical simulations of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass model with first neighbour Gaussian couplings using three replicas for each sample of couplings. We have paid special attention to the measure of two types of Binder cumulant that can be constructed from the three possible overlaps between the replicas. We obtain new information about the possible phase transition and perform an initial analysis of the ultrametricity issue.Comment: 14 pages and 7 figures, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm

    Crossovers in the Two Dimensional Ising Spin Glass with ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interactions

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    By means of extensive computer simulations we analyze in detail the two dimensional ±J\pm J Ising spin glass with ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor interactions. We found a crossover from ferromagnetic to ``spin glass'' like order both from numerical simulations and analytical arguments. We also present evidences of a second crossover from the ``spin glass'' behavior to a paramagnetic phase for the largest volume studied.Comment: 19 pages with 9 postscript figures also available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.html. Some changes in captions of figures 1 and

    Griffiths singularities in the two dimensional diluted Ising model

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    We study numerically the probability distribution of the Yang-Lee zeroes inside the Griffiths phase for the two dimensional site diluted Ising model and we check that the shape of this distribution is that predicted in previous analytical works. By studying the finite size scaling of the averaged smallest zero at the phase transition we extract, for two values of the dilution, the anomalous dimension, η\eta, which agrees very well with the previous estimated values.Comment: 11 pages and 4 figures, some minor changes in Fig. 4, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm